I cannot wait to have a library FILLED with hardcover books that make me look smart....er uh...I mean motivate me to read. If you know me well, you know that it is very hard for me to justify reading fiction, even though I feel like it is important for me to diversify my experience with books. Lately I have decided to try to read classic fiction, so I have been indulging myself with my roommate's copy of Pride and Prejudice.
Then I found out about the new pattern inspired book covers of penguin classics. Maybe when I get a job, I will buy one of these books and as I finish them I will reward myself with another -you know, motivation.
Question for my readers:What's your favorite fiction book?
To Kill a Mockingbird is my all time favorite.
I cannot pick just one, I grew up in a fiction loving household where there was little better than a good read.
Among my favorite fiction titles (classic and non-classic) are:
* Pride and Prejudice
* The Eight (by Katherine Neville)
* Almost any book by Nora Roberts (this is one of my dirty little secrets)
* Bolt and Break-In by Dick Francis
* Most Agatha Christie mysteries
* Rebecca by Daphne DuMaurier
*** Mel's readers*** If you are interested in fantastic storytelling and want to read classics, for sure pick up P&P and/or Rebecca. EXCELLENT novels.
There are so many more. I wish I had time to write about all the books I love, but I have to get back to reading a book for school. :( Love you!
I can't pick just one. 'Pride and Prejudice' makes the top-whatever list.
Other recent favorites--in the order I think you'd like them:
Everything is Illuminated (Jonathan Safran Foer)
The Red Tent (Anita Diamant)
Middlesex (Jeffrey Eugenides)
Probably The Poisonwood Bible. It is pretty dang doodly phenomenal. AMAZING!
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