Friday, November 30, 2007

Mel is Getting Skinny

So, I went for a research study follow up and I was going to put a chart on here with all of my numbers, but I lost the paper that I wrote it on. So here goes: I now weigh 227.4. That is a 29 pound weight loss in 4 months!! That is like five of the beg ones below and 4 of the little ones. These are models of what 5 and 1 pounds of fat look like:

Sick! Well, that is all off of my body and now I'm moving closer to my goal of one hundred pounds in a year!!

Please pray for me as I continue my cardio and weight training 3 times and week and I stick to a low GI diet.

In other News:
my students, JT, and I will be going on the overnight hunger simulation tonight (see previous post on World Hunger Farm) so please continue to pray that we will be changed through this process. I rely on food for comfort, while others can't even rely on it for sustenance. That's almost sicker than the fat model.

Grace and PEACE


knic pfost said...


proud of you, sis!

the williams said...

i'm so proud of you, gruver!!! keep up the good work! i know you can!

Tiffani P said...

I'm really proud of you, Mel! Keep it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can do it. Also, you looked really pretty last night. :) How was formal?

Unknown said...

Mel, that's so great!!! WAY TO GO!!!!

Anonymous said...

great news!
What's even greater than that is YOU!
love you folle.

Unknown said...

you should use the word "problematic" in your next post.

alice said...

Yay!!! You are awesome. And what a true comment about the way we rely on food.


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