Saturday, October 26, 2013

a lifetime of turningpoints

I've had a few experiences recently that I truly feel will eventually change my life.

My friend MK would often say something like, "We never know the impact that this experience has on people down the road of their lives."  I have a strong sense that one day I will look back at my time in Lafayette, IN as not only a formative time but also an immensely magical and shifting time in my life.

I'm not really ready to share the details (mainly because I don't know all of them yet, but I want to acknowledge out loud that there's something out there, "down the road of my life," and its going to be good.

I'm also consistently reminded that when congruence is a valued discipline and utilized strength, every day and every moment can have a significant impact on shaping who I am and who I am becoming.

I think its high time for a list (oooh I love a list!).

Possible Life-Changing Happenings:

  • Started the "unravelling process" with about 140 other women around the world by joining them in this Susannah Conway e-course that I have been eyeing for awhile.  
  • Walked through a magical paper lantern lit path to a Tator Fry, laughter and love at Warren Piece.
INTERACT: What is happening right now that (might) change your life? 

1 comment:

Alan R. said...

Your courage to show and share deeply is inspiring and important! Your blog continues to be awesome.


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