I have not forgotten you. Since I have been home (in Tennessee) for the holidays for over a month, I have not had consistent access to the internet. Or to you, for that matter.

Speaking of Christmas, let me tell you a little about the people in the photo above. Those are my cousins, Ashley, Shelby, Johnna, and Joey. Also is my brother Keith, Ashley's son- Jackson, and my Grandma. Oh yeah, and me- I'm the one with the dark hair.
This year, I had 5 Christmases and I am going to tell you about them:
December 23rd: Christmas Dinner at the Norfleet's. Larry is my mom's boyfriend and the Norfleets are his parents. We had steak AND they had stockings hung up with care- with OUR names on them! I really enjoyed meeting this family and had a wonderful time. How sweet of them to include us in their celeration.
December 24th part one: Christmas at Grandmas.IT is tradition for my LARGE extended family to exchange gifts on Christmas Eve at my grandmother's house. When she wasa child, her Christmases were very small, so she aims at being the center spoke for celebrations.
December 24th part two: Christmas at Oma's and Grandpa'sMy brother and I then joined my Dad and his family at his parent's house in Kentucky where I am THE girl to hand out the presents. This is always fun because my dad and brother are SO good at guessing gifts. Oma tricked them this year by wrapping up $100 worth of quarters in a tight fitting box. Surprise!
December 25th part one: Family Christmas.MY dad came over in the morning, so the four of us exchanged gifts. Some highlights: I got a rockin serger and a cool clutch made out of coke tabs, my brother guessed a lot of his presents, and my mom and I watched Mama Mia- well I watched AND danced.
December 25th part two: Movie Date with COusins.It is tradition for the cousins to go to a movie on Christmas Day. This year we saw Marley and Me- which was actually pretty good. We loaded up the purses with snacks and drinks and I did a little knitting during the previews (Much to my cousins shock).
So what were your favorite holiday traditions that played out for you this season? Comment and let me know, yo.
Mine was the show we attended! I can't stop talking about it. And I'm loving my mug. Thank you again for taking me and for staying at our place. I know we must seem a little eccentric in our own home. But you've lived with me before and have seen the two pony tail face washing. Thank you again, and please visit anytime.
-Beth C.
the only holiday tradition we have is the christmas tree calling. on christmas day as a family we gather around the tree and open presents. the little kids are tree callers and pass out the presents. its tons of fun.
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